Pastoral Letters and Messages by Bishop François Thibodeau, C.J.M.
The following documents are offered in PDF format
- "His Love is from Age to Age" - A Lenten Pastoral Letter on the Sacrament of the Kindness of God - February 25, 2009
"A Taste for the Eucharist" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2008 - May 11, 2008
- "Be Sealed with the Holy Spirit, the Gift of God" - For the Feast
of Pentecost 2007 - May 27, 2007
- "The Baptismal Call" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2006 - June 4, 2006
- "For the Kingdom of God!" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2005 - May 15, 2005
- "Witnesses of God's Love" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2004 - June 2004
- "The Marvel of Consecrated Life" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2003 - June 8, 2003
- "The Wonderful Mission of the Priest" - January 9, 2003
- "You have seduced me, O Lord, and you have prevailed!" - Vocation stories of calls to the Ordained Ministry - June 2002
- "Living with the Heart" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2001 - June 3, 2001
- "Let the Spirit Burst Forth!" - For the Feast of Pentecost 2000 - June 11, 2000
- "Men of the Deep, Cast in Us A Desire for God" - To the Priests of the Diocese of Edmundston - February 18, 2000
- "Eyes Fixed on Jesus" - For the Feast of Pentecost 1999 - May 23, 1999
- "In the Holy Spirit, Let Us Live Our Mission of Love to the Limit" - For the Feast of the Pentecost 1998 - May 31, 1998
- "Holy Spirit, Teach Us about Jesus" - For the Feast of the Pentecost 1997 on The Presence of Jesus in Our World - May 18, 1997
- "Keep Alive the Memory of the Lord" - For the Feast of the Pentecost 1996 on the Wonderful Work of the Holy Spirit in Our World - May 25, 1996
- "The Bishop's Faithful Collaborators" - Feast of the Annunciation - March 25, 1996
- "A Rushing Mighty Wind Has Risen" - June 4, 1995
- "Gratitude to the Priests of Yesteryear, Those of Today, and Confidence in Those of Tomorrow" - November 28, 1994
- "O Edmundston, Beloved Church!" - October 20, 1994
- "Human Dignity and the Holiness of God" - For the Feast of the
Pentecost 1994 - May 22, 1994
- "The Best of My Love" - February 1994